Earth in 2014 By Aksa Anzy

Earth In 2014


Lucifer calls

The serpent that once deceived Eve will come back for you one day,

Your thoughts will be led astray and you will be come his prey,

There's nothing to worry if you don't carry that heavy cart,

That weight that has kidnapped your sin and hidden it in your heart.

Air embraced Leon as he was hurled upwards into smoke, the burning light of the lake of fire reflected on his left pupil. The scent of ashes and blood visiting his nose, only to give a disgusted comment and leave with a snort.

Ear splitting screams were penetrating through his ears, sending a current of fear running through his veins. The unrecognizable faces were now drenched in blood and were obtaining more perpetual wounds by the minute. The animal-like demons were laughing wickedly as the whips they held, targeted flesh. Seas of flames were tiding in on them every 5 seconds, but only the prey was affected, scorching each of their vital organs.

No mercy. Just pain.

The gruesomeness of Hell was like plucking the hairs of an innocent mouse, like tearing the wings of a butterfly. Despite that, there was only one question that was haunting Leon's mind:

Why am I being called to Lucifer?

In the thin boat, which was evolved out of dead bones, the sight of his surroundings seemed worse. The sky of Hell was just pitch black, the silence mocking at the unrest below them. From above, Hell seemed to be the inside of a volcano, although not filled with diamonds deep down, but with victims.

The victims who have laughed along with the devil and have been tempted according to his will. The one's who have been ruined by the cares of the world and those who have been distracted from the meaning to live a good life.

Malicaden, the hooded figure, who was rowing the boat, gave a sense of eeriness to his swift, but graceful moves. Floating through the river of memories, Leon being seated next to blood curdling skulls was trying very hard to distract himself. Ancient photos, stopped watches, dried ribbons, forgotten diaries, missing papers and many poetic objects streamed along through his journey. All hovering in the bitter air as the traffic of objects progressed on. An aquamarine smoke was around them, indicating they were already in the place were they didn't belong. 

All those happy memories sucked and trapped away in that little piece of ornament. All life on earth forgotten as you were cast into your destined afterlife.

Bash! The front of the boat, which was a skull of a lion, crashed heads with the base of the ebony steps. Towering above him, his destination came into view: The entrance to the Malice Manor. The lopsided boat shook as Leon stood up on his complaining legs, making the entire panic stampede into his heart again. Leon tried to take a deep breath, however he realized his last breath was already stolen by his death. As he stood, his parched hair was swept away from forehead by his scrawny, bloodless hands as he readied himself to meet the Father of Lies.

"You were called for a reason boy. That reason better be good, because if i have to take you back, you'll never be getting out of there again." breathed the boatman down his neck, his voice a harsh, ragged whisper. He hadn't realized when the hooded figure had appeared behind him, but his words were jab at Leon's heart, which was refusing to give the strength he needed.

Remembering Malicaden's warning, he began to ascend the stairs; no sooner had he took his first step, his legs felt like they were being dragged down by a cumbersome weight. It was most likely the weight of sin. When finally he reached the top, he came face to face with a charcoal door. There were patterns of the most peculiar interest imprinted on them: people committing suicide; people killing; people stealing; people not going to church; people getting obsessed over things and beside each of these sinful scenes was the face of a joyous devil. The grimace made Leon's hands tremble because he was pretty sure, when he had done one of those acts that Satan was dancing in delight. 

Blinking and pushing the thought away, Leon hunted for an opening. Before he found what he was searching for, his eyes came in contact with lines of golden lettering. Immediately, an atmosphere of agitation enveloped him, because inscribed on that entrance were the diabolical words of welcome:

"Come in and you will face horror,

Go out and you will face terror,

For the wages of sin was way more than death."

Carrying that burden made him swallow down bile. He ushered one more ounce of courage and lifted the brass knocker, which was on the left-hand side. He dreaded it as soon as he let go, for the contact between the two metals reverberated through the entire construction, making his presence known to all that dwelled inside. Gradually, the door opened to bring attention to a small red glow. Before his eyes could concentrate on his greeter, the Manor's contents were already devouring him into darkness.


The fire shot to life in the porches, one by one, like a cannon, bringing life to the murky corridor. He hadn't found the source of his welcomer but found that he was wiped off his feet and planted in the middle of nowhere.

The luminous rays brought focus to a vast door at the end of the hall. A painting was hung in the center: there were 4 black demons and Satan in the middle, all laughing at the victims that they were crushing; the pillar they were standing on were held up by humans, all wincing in their exaggerating evil. Leon cringed at its sight; the exhausting colours had still displayed its purpose.

The purpose, which was that there was definitely no way out.

All sort of scenarios were rushing into Leon's brain. After a demon had grabbed him viciously by his shredded shirt and told him that Lucifer had summoned him, he was left with no reason why.

Would he be let out of hell?

No, that's certainly impossible. 

Would maybe his bags of sin be taken of him?

No, that wasn't logical either, because that was the whole reason he came to hell. Nothing seemed to soothe Leon's mind as no explanation of this meeting came forth. 

"Enter! Before I have to get you myself, and trust me you would regret it after, you atrocious sinner!" bellowed a deep villainous voice from behind the thick wood, making the air around him quiver from its powerfulness.

Leon could only guess it was aimed straight at him for he was alone in the corridor. Slowly, he gaited to the iron entryway, his vulnerable, pale hands wrapping around the cool knob. It opened with a groan, like a tired tiger being told to wake up. A seat, or more like a throne, coated in blood of great beast was laid out before him as soon as the tiger had awoken. And on that seat was no other than Lucifer.

Two cat-like crimson eyes bored lighting bolts straight to Leon's heart as he saw what Lucifer was for the first time. Dinosaur horns protruded from the sides of his head and a snake-like tail swished from side to side behind him. The devils body was black. Pure black. Not a single good thing in him. He had slits for his nose and no hair, making him a featureless presence. Lucifer was the tenebrous shadow behind the veil.

He was always known as someone who prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  

Placed next to him were two demons, but these were unlike he had seen before. They had miniature horns sprouting from their heads and their teeth were sharper than needles, their eyes were magenta, with no pupil and they stood like soldiers honoring their position.

As his surroundings bribed him to investigate, he found that the room he was forced into was even viler than the painting. The walls were solid, dull-orange rock, and stamped on them were human bones. The images of beings planted in every dying position possible was placed on top of each other, their hollow eyes, swimming around the whole, entire room. In addition to this, there was a big screen on the floor were he was standing. Animations of what was happening in the real world split the screen in dozens. Different countries. Performing different sins. All caused by the successful Satan- helpers and the minds of us arrogant Homo sapiens.

"Wonder why you, you little mundane was lucky enough to enter my lair? Is because 'The Almighty Father or Truth' wanted to take you back to that amazing world of his!" Lucifer spat out the words like they were venom, his mouth showed vampire teeth, coated in rot and decay.

He was a murderer from the beginning, and he has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the Father of Lies.

Leon didn't believe him, and just as he was about to reply a WHOOSH taped off his words. A mighty sound of thunder had plastered across the room, followed by a brilliant light. His ocean-blue eyes were attracted to the beautiful figure that materialized before him. An angel, with silky, silver robes and vivid emerald eyes stared back at him. The green hue was piercing and vibrant, luring him into its mysterious story. Leon couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman; the angel was a jewel in the depths of the sea. Examining more of the heaven's abider, his gaze was stolen by the tremendous wings that were behind it. Pure white feathers hugged each other, each as comfortable as a family, all in the place were they fit. Oh, how he urged to reach out his hands and feel his way down that piece of wonder. Outlining the flamboyant individual was a rich light that was gilded and shimmering, contrasting against the dark room. This holy pressure made even Satan and his malicious guards back down.

"Leon Ash Roberio, you have been chosen to go on a mission back on earth and encounter the world as it is today. God has given you the time limited of 16 days to prove yourself as an innocent man. However, this task isn't that easy, you will be facing obstacles and trials and when the days are over, The Almighty Lord will decide if you are a deserved soul for New Jerusalem."

Leon's eardrums were ringing with bewilderment:

Is this is a dream?








New York’s Answer

"Death is not the end of your life,

For there is another line you have crossed,

If you don't lift your hands to righteousness,

All hope will be lost."

" You can't take him out of here without my permission!" growled Lucifer rising from his seat but still squinting from the light.

"Now, now I know we have talked about this Lucifer and you can't stop God and his designed plans," replied God's messenger, its unknown voice sounding as sweet as sugar and as elegant as a swan.

Before the devil could do anything, the angel threw an incredible force, lassoing Leon over to its burning side. He couldn't even blink as a hurricane of a pull dragged him out of the door on the east end and entered into a big chute like place and before he knew it, he was trailing behind the angel. It had his wings spread out looking like a graceful bird in flight, as it caught the wind current, the angel's feathers squealed happily, enjoying the ride.

Leon was flying too. The experience was thrilling. With his arms spread out and feet close together, he grinned as the wind delightedly took him away from his long-lived prison.

Amidst the journey, burnt skin was ripping of his face hitting in the strong wind only to whisper into smoke while a smooth surface replaced it. As the time wore on, every hell known thing peeled away, all his normal brown hair coming back like a mother uniting with her children. Also, his clothes were sewing back together, each string reaching for their designed companion. Tides of fresh blood where rushing down his veins, pumping around his body and reaching its desired destination. The heart.

Thump.Thump.Thump. The steady pulse was back. Leon felt like a newborn baby. The feeling was long ago rejected, but now it was back, inviting him into his marvelous body once again.

Breathing in oxygen again, he felt colour going into his cheeks and his teeth being restored, like a measuring tape that was pulled too much out of its real self, then being let go, to freedom. And to its rightful self. All scars and beatings were forgotten back were it started as a massive shudder rippled through him. The current got faster and FWEE the vacuum like pipe sucked them up and spat them out in a room.

The room was pure white. No ceiling. Just endless clouds roaming in their own jubilant lives. The angel flew down and faced Leon as he got on his feet. Once again the mesmerizing eyes snatching his attention.

"Mr. Roberio, you must take this task very seriously, God has given you this mission for a purpose. Your first day will be taking place in the USA. You must be aware of the problems around you and do not get yourself in any political mess. I will send a guardian angel with you so you do not get into any accidents. Remember this is a very important chance. Don’t waste it." He explained without taking a breath.

"Erm... ok," Leon mumbled, realizing his forgotten voice was back; it sounded strong and juvenile. On the other hand, questions were choking him in his mind and none of them wanted to escape his lips.

What was the purpose?

Why him?

What was the USA?

Another bright light blinded him and a bubble popped as he fell, no time to hover more on his doubts. Falling, like he once had when he dropped down to Hell, the hackles on his wrists biting into his flesh. However, this time he was free of those things and it felt like parachuting down, all memories of the dungeon flying. Away from its opened cage.

Plump! The soles of his feet made contact with tarmac ground. Before he could fully open eyes, the sound of angry cars and chattering people greeted him. The scent of hotdogs and chips wafted up his nose, he was feeling hungry after 32 years in Hell. A cold shiver tickled him, indicating it was already night.

"Hello there, Leon, is it?" said an unfamiliar voice to his ear.

Leon opened his eyes widely than he had ever before. Colourful billboards, yellow taxis, overflown shops and herds of people were stood out before him. The night skyline barely in the background as it bought the main point into focus. The fluttering of lights slithered through the buildings. Spacious screens were advertising products like they were a once in lifetime opportunity. Models were printed on the towering buildings before him, each wearing a smile that didn't mean anything to them.

Leon tried to find the source of the voice but couldn't see anyone talking to him. There were people roaming around and having fun in their own way. Couples, families, loners and even beggars where painted on this big canvas.

"Here mate, on your shoulder. Yep, this way yeah. There you go," a young male voice on his right hand side beckoned as he turned to his shoulder.

"I'm your little guardian angel. Name's Terence, but you can call me Terry because I’m nice. Soooo, no mean to pry or anything, but how are you the lucky one? I mean were you once an angel that accidently fell to Hell or something? I mean to go back to earth.... well what can you say? It's just on the diagonal of its axis right now." babbled Terence, his glowing halo bobbing up and down; his little hand making motions in the air after each commentary.

Honey blonde hair and sky blue eyes were the characteristics of the boy and his questioning look was still sewed on his face. He was wearing peach robes and a big, silver belt with GA on it. Leon held in a laugh. The belt barely fitted the little guy as his huge belly overpowered it. Petite wings could be seen behind him, giving a sense of cuteness to the angel.

"I'm fine thanks and no, I’m just a normal person and.. Why do you say that?" mumbled Leon as he tried to make a conversation.

"Ahhhh, well you don't know the half of it. By the ways I am the 'I-will-save-you-if-you-need-saving' type angel, I help ya with everything and give you my best advice. Why other reason would I be called to accompany you?" said the angel disappointed by Leon’s reply but brightening up at the mention of him being a guardian angel.

Leon at least knew he was a chatterbox and well, what was up with his language? Ya? Yo? Dude? What on earth do they mean? Had the earth changed this much?

"Yeah.. What other reason?," replied Leon quietly droning away from the conversation as he took in his surroundings once again.

"You don't really talk much do ya? Ahhh well.... Anyway if you were wondering Leo, this is New York, which is in America or more correctly the United states of America, which is in the European part, which is.... a continent in the world, which is in the galaxy, which is in the universe...." declared Terry as he tried to figure out what was bigger than the universe.

Woaahh. This surely was a big world. This country was just a piece of straw in a haystack.

Without warning, Terry flew forward and turned around to face Leon, absorbing in every detail. With this finger propped under his chin and the other hand hugging his elbow, he looked like a person who was going to even something so amazing to the world.

"You know, you really don’t look that bad for a person in America. May have to work on the walk though. Americans walk quite.... slumped, " observed Terry as Leon walked to shop which had a M glowing chrome while showing off to its other friends.

In the corner of his eye he caught two tall boys ambushing a little girl. The girl looked about 18 but didn't match her height. She had a backpack, big and stuffed, looking like she was carrying a gorilla in there. Beautiful lake-black hair rolled down her shoulders and ended in ringlets by her hips. Her eyelashes bought beauty to her dark brown pupils, the night-light making the eye's sparkle. The boys were teasing and playing with her, poking on each of her shoulders pushing her back into the road. The sun kissed girl however stood with a surprising confidence, her eyes glittered with rage instead of fear.

"Go away!" Leon heard her say with a rising voice.

She tried to go past to the side, but so did the one of the boys. This process receded again and again until the girl cocked her head to the side. And to Leon's bewilderment, ran straight for a shop, where she camouflaged with the customers. The two boys, with pierced noses, leather jackets and spiky, electric-blue hair, looked over the girl with disgust.

"We'll get that little nutcase one day," the taller guy muttered, grimacing. That grimace exactly like the demons that had whipped Leon till he had no more to bleed.

Horrible... what exactly did they want from the girl? She was innocent and the guys didn't look really kind. Why take the innocence out of a girl if they have no right to take it off her? If they have no innocence they shouldn't replace it with someone else’s!

Everyone had his or her own rights.

" Hey, I was thinking I may have to update you on this world; there has been a lot going on."  Terry said as he too had watched the scene that had unfolded before them. Leon nodded. He had no idea about this world. He felt like a naked alien in the midst of a big family tree.

"Well to start off with, the earth is in chaos. With pollution overtaking and everything getting hotter, people don't seem to be conscious, well not conscious to do anything about it anyway. There is killing, stealing, abusing, threatening and many more, probably because they were bored. There are people who are poor and are dying waterless and foodless, some people are really getting selfish these days. There are also cases of overpopulation and starts of war and rebellion, that's because they can't keep tidy or keep their minds to themselves. More people are dying because of addiction to alcohol, drugs and smoking. I mean it's just horrible; they can't even make it illegal! People are planning suicide over stress bullying, and issues with their lives. Then what was the point of God breathing life into them? On more environmental issues, fossil fuels are going to run out soon and global warming is rolling in. Yeah, a load of hot tourists just wanted to see how the world was doing. Making us melt by them. There are conflicts and endangered animals and..... basically... the earth is a broken string on a violin," Terry spluttered out, he was holding a type of touch screen hologram, scrolling down and stating his own opinion after each point.

Over run by information, Leon looked back at the people with curiosity steaming his eyes. 

Everyone certainly looked fine. There might be a hint of depression or hate or jealousy. But it looks like the citizens of earth just want everything to be calm and good.

If only Lucifer hadn't been a fallen angel. If only he hadn't deceived Eve and made her eat that fruit. If only Adam had at least obeyed God. But, no. This sin in the Garden of Eden carried on till generations at a time. It had lead to every human being born with the nature of sin. A sin that was already there. Disobedience. 

The world looked so small in this cramped place, everyone seemed like giants roaring over each other spreading their germs across the whole landscape.

A series of yells swam through the mist of the night. Leon whipped his head around trying to find the cause of the commotion, like a doe that sensed danger when their fawn was in trouble. Outside a bar shop, there was a man swaying uncontrollably trying to keep his eyes open, he was saying some weird words to the pedestrians walking by, who had given him a disgusted look. With no care in the world, he leant on a lamppost and took a packet of cigarettes out. Lighting one, he inhaled the tobacco, like one would do to a successful piece of cooking. Before anyone could do anything, the man jumped into the road and started yelling insults to the drivers. A blood-red car was speeding up in emergency and was beeping at the man; it didn't look like it wanted to slow down.

 "Get out of the way!" the driver yelled desperately.

The slumped man gave a wary smile. His unshaved brown beard getting irritated by the expression.  The excited wind was rushing around by the entertainment the humans were holding. His bare feet were not moving from his spot. The last warning of a beep rang through all the witness’s ears. The old man's haunting tunnel-black eyes reflected the headlights of the car, which was greeting him with murderous glare. 












Truth’s Revealed

Jesus, the Saviour wears the victor's crown,

If you, on earth believe or reject,

There's evidence to prove to earth he was called down,

To die for our sins and our lives protect.

"Oh Lord, save him," Leon prayed just before the two competitors clashed.


Swarms of bees buzzed around the crime scene, all feeding on the news like it was honey. The moon hung low in the sky, looking weary and not at all pleased with its job. News reporters thirsted for information and men black and white scavagened explanations from the driver and the witnesses.

"Another accident. Tut Tut Tut. And he actually saw that coming too!" said Terry disgracefully.

Leon's eyes stung with shock. Just back to earth and there was already one going to Hell. A van with the word 'ABULANCE' taped on it, took in the unconscious man. A man in white overalls observed him as he checked if he had a heartbeat. The crowd seemed to hold their breath like they were watching a climax of a movie. The look on the doctor's face relaxed when he checked the man's pulse like straightening a crumpled sheet of paper.

"He's still alive, don't worry," the doctor said to the crowd around him. The throng let out a satisfied breath.

That doctor was an angel right? He was wearing all white! And how could that man have survived? Was it the power of that little prayer he had said before the accident?

There was a tap on his shoulder and he swiveled round. The girl he saw getting teased before shone upon him with curiosity.

"What happened here?" she asked.

Shouldn't she be scared of strangers? Shouldn't she be going somewhere safe?

"Errm, a drunk man just got run over," Leon said as he too just took a moment to realize what had happened.

"People these days. Have no idea what their lives mean. No idea that God made them for a reason," she replied with a flare of anger misting in her eyes as she stared at the man lying in the pool of blood as the ground tried to escape from its uncleanness.

"Yeah, they have no idea," Leon watched the girl with wonder. Terry murmured something in agreement, but the girl didn't seem to hear anything.

She knew about God. She was a believer. She was confident. And couldn't she see Terry? Maybe he's invisible to other humans.

"What's your name?" Leon asked shyly.

The girl lifted her eyes to meet his, investigating if she should trust him.

" My name's....... Azraya." She reported. Her hair flew in the violent wind, and as her head only reached his shoulders, he looked down at her with a smile.

"I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leon, " he informed.

"Leon.... it means lion, doesn't it? Are you from here?" she questioned.

A lion? He was strong but not brave. Not brave enough to talk to any of the people freely about anything anyway.

"No, I'm not...... I'm from...." Leon stammered as he tried to think of another variation of hell. He didn't know any of the names of the countries in the world. They probably all changed anyway.

"England," whispered Terry, who had not said anything between the unexpected meeting.

" England, I'm from England," Leon finished with an innocent grin.

" Huh, England! They are all hyper with that famous tea addiction of theirs!" Azraya laughed. Her giggle was a song of joy, her fragrance whispering through the night, lighting up the world in an instant. Her teeth glowed and her eyes smiled. Some people in this world don't except what they have.

"I'm not really that into tea. Too... English... So where are you from, Azraya? Are you from here?" Leon inquired.

"Oh no no no! I'm from India. The south. I would never be an American, too risky! Obama's sending out the 666 chips, the mark of the beast. Apparently it's for the resident's health. But we know it is the sign of Jesus' coming...." she declared. Her face looked troubled, fear almost jacketing it.

Jesus' coming was soon these day's. There were a lot of signs. And the mark of the beast was one significant one.

Terry quickly went on Azraya's shoulder and turned to face him. She did not notice the little angel and she was looking like she was deep in thought, her forehead creased.

Terry spoke with a serious tone, his eye's fixed with Leon's "The chip. It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666."


Deep down in the depths of Hell, Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.

In his opening address he said maleficently,

"We can't keep Christians from going to church. We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Saviour. Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken."

"So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners. But! Steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ." He looked over at all the destruction-longing congregation.

"This is what I want you to do," said the devil, a look of determination masking his face:

"Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"

"How shall we do this?" his demons shouted eagerly.

"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered.

"Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow." Lucifer banged his fist on the table before him as he emphasized each word.

"Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles." He smirked and pulled up a screen that stretched wide into the dark air.

"Keep them from spending time with their children. As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work!" Humans being stressed and busy appeared on the screen.

"Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice." He pinched his hands together to show the tiny voice. Herds of heads nodded in approval.

"Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive. To keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ." People listening to pop songs and other songs in there free time was projected.

"Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day."

"Invade their driving moments with billboards." Loads of papers and different magazines were spread out each showing different aspects of attraction.

"Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes."

"Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and TV so their husbands will believe that outward beauty is what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied with their wives. "

"Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at night. Give them headaches too!"

"If they don't give their husbands the love they need, they will begin to look elsewhere. That will fragment their families quickly!" A family falling apart videoed on the wide rectangle and the atoms of sin drooled hungrily.

"Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas."

"Give them an Easter bunny so they won't talk about his resurrection and power over sin and death."

"Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God's creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead."

"Keep them busy, busy, busy!"

"And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences."

"Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus."

"Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause."

"It will work!" the demons boasted.

"It will work!"

"Whatever you do, do not let them share the gospel, we will have more work to do if they evangelize." Lucifer informed.

The black creatures set of for their mission. To manipulate human's lives.


Azraya had left, saying it was nice to meet him and hoped he had a good life and that God may bless him. Leon said the same back and prayed for her in his mind.

The buildings still held onto their lights, never letting go of their fluorescent energy. Shadows engrossed him as he walked on the sturdy pavement. Litter rustled past, going into their own invisible bins. The now early morning sent strikes of slumber to him. Leon didn't know where he should sleep. The town was still bubbling with excitement in the tired night and he didn't know where he should get accommodation. He hugged his arms and breathed into his hands, rubbing them to keep warm as he walked.

Terry flew in front of him, also fatigued from the night's events.

"So where do you want to sleep?" Terry asked raising his eyebrow, peeking back at him.

"Anywhere. I would sleep anywhere right now," Leon replied with a yawn escaping into the air.

He had no rest in Hell. It was ongoing torture. It was a miracle that he actually had the opportunity to sleep.

Lights flickered on and off in a corner of the street. A poor man with a grey hat and a withered coat lay in the freezing cold, newspapers as his only mattress. A small blanket covered half of him, but not showing any protection from the bullying wind. A tin can was placed between his legs, only a quarter filled with money. A fringe of grey-white hair disguised half the man's face. Smudges of dirt dotted on his face and hands. Thin and starved did his body show; no food, no water did his life show. He looked at Leon with a pleading note in his hazel eyes. Leon didn't have any money therefore shook his head with a face of pity.

"Sorry, I don't have any money," Leon said truthfully. Emptying his pockets to show evidence.

Money. Did that change too here? Was money something you would die for? Was there not enough to go around?

The man pulled on a smile and moved to the wall a bit and patted the place beside him.

"You can sleep here if you don't have anywhere else to go," the man offered, with a strong American accent.

He's a poor guy and barely has anything, but still he gives to the people in need? What has this world become?

Leon said a word of thanks and sat down beside the beggar. The stone floor was cold against his back and legs and made him shiver. The man noticing this pulled half of the brown blanket over Leon's legs, making him adjust to the heat that was there before. He noticed with shock that the man's right leg wasn't there, it was only a stump. Sympathy flooded him, but he decided not to ask on the matter. Leon said thanks again and lay his head back as he watched Terry fly downwards and lie on the blanket.

"If you get into trouble, just yell and I will come rushing into your aid alright?" he said with a smile as he drifted of to sleep.

Leon smiled quietly glancing down at the angel with love.

"Alright, sleep tight my guardian angel," Leon whispered as he gazed back into the starry night.

A lot has happened. There seems to be no end on this earth. Since when had it become so unclean? The sky is not clear. And the grounds aren't kept to what it should be. Didn't God entrust the life of this planet with us? It was like a t-rex trying to clap his hands, the world couldn't reach that relationship between God and man. They weren't trying hard enough.

"So, do you know about God?" Leon said after a while to the man, who still wasn't asleep.

"I've heard about him, but surely he won't look down on a lifeless person like me. He has a lot of other people to look after," the man said sadly.

Leon was devastated.

How could he think that? The Lord is free to everyone as long as they have faith in him.

"No he doesn't, you are a good man. As long as you have faith in him and ask him for the things you need, he will give it to you in his own way. He will definitely bless you and keep you for you are a man with a good heart," Leon advised.

" I used to be in war, and now I'm just an unwanted person on the streets. No one cares for me. And no one definitely will want me." The man sighed in disappointment.

This man had been in war? If he was in war people should respect him for his bravery not his wholeness.

"When all hope fails, there is always someone who loves you and even if you can't see him, he still there for you. If you talk to him and get closer to him, he will listen." Leon said confidently.

A conversation grew between them as they talked about War, God and America. When the man seemed satisfied and when he said he would give it a try, Leon's eyelids dominated over his eyes, sending him to a deep, well-earned sleep.

My first half-day in New York, which was a place of wonder. Thank you Lord for keeping me safe this night. Thank you to let me able to spread your word. Tell me tomorrow of what I shall do. To fulfill this mission that you have set me to do. Be with me this night; let your angel protect me. Let America know of your name as well as your amazing grace. Let your love flow through the air tonight and let this country know the truth. Goodnight USA.


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