Thursday 22 May 2014

Two Sentence Story

From here 

I walked towards the house, the burned down house where my daughter died. Some delicate and pale hand pushed me back out once I entered, it whispered, "You chose wrong mommy."

By Carrie Morgenstern

Spooky Description

Clouds swirled above the ramshackle building. All of the vegetation stood back, away from the towering monster, quivering in the wind. A crystal white shirt flopped, possessed, caught on a rock jutting out of the crusty floor. Wilted, bony trees prodded all passers-by (not that there were many) with their gnarled fingers, jeering. Shattered glass littered the courtyard. A pungent aroma dissolved my nose. A solitary crow cawed.

By Bluted93

From here

High Heels

From here
The clip clop as they walk by,

The flip flop of six inch high,

Feet pinch,

I flinch,

Ruby red high heels.

By Bluted93

Spring - Personification Poem

Spring raced,

Raced barefoot,

Barefoot she ran,

Ran through the dew covered grass,

The wind blew,

Blew her dress,

Blew her chiffon dress this way and that,

That way she raced.

Spring breathed,

Her breath turned,

It turned to mist,

Mist that shrouded the meadow,

The meadow full of flowers showing their faces,

Showing them for the first time,

The first time in the meadow.

Spring hid,

Hid in a tree,

Hid in a tree and watched children searching,

Searching in cracks and crevices,

Looking for eggs,

Pink and blue and polka-dotted ones,

Ones that shimmered in the sun,

Shimmered like the rainbow.

Spring cried,

Cried salty tears,

And it rained,

It rained and it shone,

It shone through the rain,

A rainbow,

The rainbow spring had made.

By Bluted93

From here